Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010
modifikasi mobil
onda jazz modifications this foolish be calculated once. Imagine, like All New Honda Jazz 2008 is not felt before, but series sedan Hatchback RS is brought directly to the home modifications in Autoline Jl Arteri Kedoya, West Jakarta. "The point, the honda Jazz should I get with the others," said Handy.
To meet ambisinya, try Handy search of a suitable model through the virtual world. Finally found the flow of racing style that combined with the appropriate JDM Toyota Crown desires.
The dimauinya, width bumper design combined with the sharp corner on both sides of the a very identical to Japan's street car. "The water dam in the bumper and large V-shaped that characterize besutan faster," said Handy.
Agus, punggawa Autoline, does not find it difficult to meet the taste Handy. Fiberglass material that is reliable in accordance with the concept of making Molding early. The process takes three weeks.
As a result of the custom body, the bumper to fall down. Display cars are so cingkrang enggak because the owner wanted a lowering kit. Agus must turn the brain that velg Lenso Mesh 18 x 8 inches can mepet to Fender lips. Finally, dipakailah condom on over the Fender down 3 cm from the original Fender nut and take the front bumper.
Interestingly, the design end of the muffler-shaped trapesium. Initially, the back bumper of this exotic straight average. After viewing Crown JDM, muffler and bumper dicoak display is adjusted so that kemiringannya appear extreme.
HONDA Jazz look to strengthen the racing style, the engine cover is made of carbon materials, including the diffuser, gril, until the rear wing. Bodi berkelir be white decal striping. "Color combinations of red, white, and black to make the visualization more steady," Handy firm.
In addition to body, interior is also constrained senada, such as seat replaced the standard model of semi-Recaro bucket. Original color is black with red blood from the same material. So dashboard also constrained motif carbon fiber plus a white motif that use printing.
While the luggage space disulap so the audio device Racikan Idola Audio and able to produce up to 145 Db boom. Handy confess this has not been full
To meet ambisinya, try Handy search of a suitable model through the virtual world. Finally found the flow of racing style that combined with the appropriate JDM Toyota Crown desires.
The dimauinya, width bumper design combined with the sharp corner on both sides of the a very identical to Japan's street car. "The water dam in the bumper and large V-shaped that characterize besutan faster," said Handy.

Agus, punggawa Autoline, does not find it difficult to meet the taste Handy. Fiberglass material that is reliable in accordance with the concept of making Molding early. The process takes three weeks.
As a result of the custom body, the bumper to fall down. Display cars are so cingkrang enggak because the owner wanted a lowering kit. Agus must turn the brain that velg Lenso Mesh 18 x 8 inches can mepet to Fender lips. Finally, dipakailah condom on over the Fender down 3 cm from the original Fender nut and take the front bumper.
Interestingly, the design end of the muffler-shaped trapesium. Initially, the back bumper of this exotic straight average. After viewing Crown JDM, muffler and bumper dicoak display is adjusted so that kemiringannya appear extreme.
HONDA Jazz look to strengthen the racing style, the engine cover is made of carbon materials, including the diffuser, gril, until the rear wing. Bodi berkelir be white decal striping. "Color combinations of red, white, and black to make the visualization more steady," Handy firm.
In addition to body, interior is also constrained senada, such as seat replaced the standard model of semi-Recaro bucket. Original color is black with red blood from the same material. So dashboard also constrained motif carbon fiber plus a white motif that use printing.
While the luggage space disulap so the audio device Racikan Idola Audio and able to produce up to 145 Db boom. Handy confess this has not been full
Actually accidentally Suzuki Southeast Asia accept additionally been continuing a attitude that the masterpiece was herself by FXR. Namely with the bearing of suksesor Satria FU 150 and Satria FU 120 . A Masterpiece in the Millennium 2, Suzuki Satria 150 FU. Duck with macho achievement Sportsbike. Apparently this is a accurateness in assignment from the business Suzuki. Viewing the botheration from two altered but auspiciously affected both with perfect.Three problems faced three problems solved. Suzuki Satria 150 is able to complete three challenges at once. Satria aboriginal built-in the abridgement stable, so alpha affairs ability of bodies is stronger afresh Both the ammunition amount rise.
Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010
modif BMW
Judul diatas memang terdengar sedikit aneh. Tapi faktanya hal tersebut benar-benar terjadi dan ada. Ditemukan belum lama ini di Kuwait, modifikasi Nissan Maxima yang satu ini terbilang aneh dan langka. Membentuk wajah baru, sang Nissan Maxima ini nampak begitu ekstrim dalam balutan body BMW Seri 7. Tema ekstrim yang diusung mobil ini terlihat begitu mencolok apalagi jika kita amati tongkrongan eksteriornya.
Berkelir abu-abu metalik, tampang asli Nissan Maxima yang satu ini memang nyaris tak bisa dikenali lagi. Bumper depannya sendiri sudah diubah bergaya BMW seri 7 mulai lampu utama dan grill-nya. Ditambah sedikit lekukan tegas plus aplikasi 2 buah fog lamp kecil pada bagian bawah, membuat ciri Maxima mobil ini benar-benar hilang. Usungan ekstrim modifikasi mobil ini baru terlihat jelas ketika kita amati bagian kap mesinnya yang dirancang terbelah menjadi dua bagian dengan bantuan sistem motorized.
Menilik bagian samping, kita akan semakin dibuat terkagum. Lihat bagaimana aplikasi keempat pintunya yang sudah dirancang begitu istimewa. Dua pintu bagian depan dirancang nyentrik model bukaan gunting (scissor doors) layaknya Lamborghini, sedangkan dua pintu bagian belakangnya juga dibentuk modis model gullwing. Tak berhenti sampai disitu, sang Nissan Maxima ini diasupkan pula perangkat spoiler Toyota Supra yang menempel apik pada bagasi belakang, yang dirancang pula dengan bukaan custom.
Beranjak ke belakang, bumper depan mobil ini nampak begitu sporty berkat ubahan lampu model baru plus aplikasi 4 buah knalpot custom di bawahnya. Semuanya terlihat begitu pas dan menyatu. Menutup seluruh tampilan ekstrimnya, mobil ini berdiri kokoh dalam balutan velg racing ukuran 17 inchi warna hitam dengan variasi perak melingkar. Well, satu hal yang pasti, diluar mesinnya, tak pelak harus diakui Nissan Maxima ini berhasil menipu kita melalui tampilan luarnya. Ck..Ck..CK! (mot/
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